Monday, April 13, 2015

Instructions for April 13

Note taking, Outlines and Research

Today's class

I. Language Arts
   A. Root word
       1. New index card with today's root word
       2. Root word game
   B. Note taking with Index Cards
       1. State purposes
          a. Easy organizing
          b. Makes breaking into categories easy
          c. Forces to stay focused
          d. Forces to difference: facts/opinion
       2. How an index card looks
           a. One topic, fact or quote per card in 
               the middle of the card
           b. Source at the top right
           c. Sub topic at top left
           d. Only write on one side
       3. Model creation of note cards
           a. Display two paragraphs and articles on Smartboard
           b. Think aloud while creating cards
           c. Show cards as we go along with a link on blog      
   C. Outlining
       1. State purposes
           a. Forces to organize
               i. By chronology
               ii. By importance
               iii. By category
            b. Creates structure
            c. Serves as a map
       2. Make connection to class instructions
       3. Model creation of outline
     D. Research
        1. State purposes
            a. Expand on what we know
            b. Introduce us to what we don't know
        2. Steps in Research
            a. Choose topic
                i. People
                ii. Animals
                iii. Events
                iv. Inventions
                v. Problems
            b. Search for information and take notes
                i. Books
                ii. Magazines
                iii. Internet
                iv. Interviews with people
                v. Newspapers
            c. Organize information
                i. Outline
                ii. Concept maps
                iii. Timeline
            d. Present / publish
                i. Lecture
                ii. Paper
                iii. Blog
                iv. Poster
     3. Start gathering information/note taking

II. Social Studies
     A. World events - warm up
     B. Continue Research project
         1. Continue gathering information and note taking
         2. Create outline

Links for today

Tips for making index cards This is for your reference

Powerpoint with tips for Outlining   This is for your reference

Links for the sources for the Lightning index cards example:
           Source 1 
           Source 2
Topics for research:
S B Anthony
    1. Susan B Anthony, figure of equality

           Source 1
           Source 2
    2. Cesar Chavez, civil rights leader
           Source 1
           Source 2
    3. 442nd combat regiment, heroes born after unfairness
           Source 1 
           Source 2 

Cesar Chavez


1. Nelson, Eric, Maria
2. Xiomara, Julian, Vanessa, Jeizel
3. Jorge, Kevin, Matute, Derli

4. Katherine, Jazer
