Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Instructions for April 29

Today's class

Language Arts

Go to the April 13 post to see an example of outlining.

Social Studies

The link to the conservative view on immigration is here.

Make a list with your group of 5 notable immigrants, past or present, and how they contributed to American Society. Write this down in your Social Studies notebook. Share with the class.

1.  Kevin, Julian
2.  Xiomara, Derli
3.  Vanessa
4.  Katherine, Nelson, Eric

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Instructions for April 28

Today's class

1) Read along with the music:

By Neil Diamond

We've been traveling far
Without a home
But not without a star

Only want to be free
We huddle close
Hang on to a dream

On the boats and on the planes
They're coming to America
Never looking back again,
They're coming to America

Don't it seem so far away
Oh, we're traveling light today
In the eye of the storm
In the eye of the storm

To a new and a shiny place
Make our bed and we'll say our grace
Freedom's light burning warm
Freedom's light burning warm

Everywhere around the world
They're coming to America
Ev'ry time that flag's unfurled
They're coming to America

Got a dream to take them there
They're coming to America
Got a dream they've come to share
They're coming to America

They're coming to America
They're coming to America
They're coming to America
They're coming to America
Today, Today,
Today, Today, Today

My country 'tis of thee (today)
Sweet land of liberty (today)
Of thee I sing (today)
Of thee I sing
Today, Today, Today

Today, today, today......

You can find the song here

2) Read your Social Studies textbook, pages 568-571.

3) Research the Irish potato famine. What was it? When did it happen? What were the effects on the U.S.?

4) Come up with 3 questions in your group about the potato famine along with their answers. Your questions should not be designed to trip others, confuse them, or so obscure nobody can answer them. Their purpose is to see if someone knows what the potato famine is. Write the questions on a piece of paper and give it to the teacher so he can enter them into the Smartboard.

1.  Kevin, Julian
2.  Xiomara, Derli
3.  Vanessa
4.  Katherine, Nelson, Eric

Monday, April 27, 2015

Instructions for April 27

Today's class

Language Arts / Social Studies

View the following photos, cartoons and illustrations, jotting your reactions in your Social Studies notebook.

In your own words, what does the inscription on the Statue of Liberty's pedestal mean? Discuss with your group and write it on your Social Studies notebook. You saw most of the words on the inscription in your Spelling City assignment.

1.  Kevin, Julian
2.  Xiomara, Derli
3.  Vanessa
4.  Katherine, Nelson, Eric

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Instructions for April 22

Today's class

Language Arts

1. Create a KWL chart about the 442nd Combat Regiment on your Social Studies notebook:

2. Do research on the 442nd Combat Regiment. Decide which section of the summary each person in the group will read, including the videos. Take index card notes! Here are the links:

Link 1 video

Link 2 video

Link 3 video

Link 4 additional information

You will keep your index cards, but do not lose them because you will need them when we learn how to do an outline!

Social Studies

1. Current events! Read the news article at the link below. What is happening?


1. Nelson, Eric, Maria
2. Xiomara, Julian, Vanessa, Jeizel
3. Jorge, Kevin, Matute, Derli
4. Katherine, Jazer

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Instructions for April 21

Today's class

Follow Ms. Nunez's instructions. 

Monday, April 20, 2015

Instructions for April 20

Today's class

  1. Take a laptop. 
  2. Change to small group configuration.
  3. Discuss and decide what will be the topic for your research project. 
  4. Take one sheet of paper per group and your write your name on it.
  5.  Write and explain the topic of your research project. You will turn that page in to Ms. Nunez before you leave today. 
  6. You will be taking index card notes on the project and will divide the work in the group. You will use as many sources as you want. You will be expected to come with at least 20 index cards per group member for your topic.

1. Nelson, Eric, Maria
2. Xiomara, Julian, Vanessa, Jeizel
3. Jorge, Kevin, Matute, Derli
4. Katherine, Jazer

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Instructions for April 16

Today's class

Language Arts

1. Create a KWL chart about Susan B Anthony on your Social Studies notebook:

Example of KWL chart

2. Listen to a short presentation by your teacher about Susan B Anthony.

3. Do research on Susan B Anthony. Decide which section of the biography each person in the group will read. Take index card notes! Here is the link:

Susan B Anthony biography

4. Share! Let's build a class KWL chart with what we learned.

Susan B. Anthony

Social Studies

1. Current events! Who is this?

2. Create a timeline of Susan B Anthony's life using your index card notes. Paste the notes on the anchor chart paper, use color, make it nice! Here's an example:


1. Nelson, Eric, Maria
2. Xiomara, Julian, Vanessa, Jeizel
3. Jorge, Kevin, Matute, Derli
4. Katherine, Jazer

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Instructions for April 14

Today's class

Language Arts

1. Create a KWL chart about Cesar Chavez on your Social Studies notebook:

Example of KWL chart

2. Listen to a short presentation by your teacher about Cesar Chavez.

3. Do research on Cesar Chavez. Decide which section of the biography each person in the group will read, including the video. Take index card notes! Here is the link:

Cesar Chavez biography

4. Share! Let's build a class KWL chart with what we learned.

Susan B. Anthony

Social Studies

1. Current events! Read the news article at the link below. What is happening?


2. Create a timeline of Susan B Anthony's life using your index card notes. Paste the notes on the anchor chart paper, use color, make it nice! Here's an example:

Today's class

Language Arts

1. Create a KWL chart about Cesar Chavez on your Social Studies notebook:

Example of KWL chart

2. Listen to a short presentation by your teacher about Cesar Chavez.

3. Do research on Cesar Chavez. Decide which section of the biography each person in the group will read, including the video. Take index card notes! Here is the link:

Cesar Chavez biography

4. Share! Let's build a class KWL chart with what we learned.

Social Studies

1. Current events! Read the news article at the link below. What is happening?


2. Create a timeline of Cesar Chavez's life using your index card notes. Paste the notes on the anchor chart paper, use color, make it nice! Here's an example:


1. Nelson, Eric, Maria
2. Xiomara, Julian, Vanessa, Jeizel
3. Jorge, Kevin, Matute, Derli
4. Katherine, Jazer

Monday, April 13, 2015

Instructions for April 13

Note taking, Outlines and Research

Today's class

I. Language Arts
   A. Root word
       1. New index card with today's root word
       2. Root word game
   B. Note taking with Index Cards
       1. State purposes
          a. Easy organizing
          b. Makes breaking into categories easy
          c. Forces to stay focused
          d. Forces to difference: facts/opinion
       2. How an index card looks
           a. One topic, fact or quote per card in 
               the middle of the card
           b. Source at the top right
           c. Sub topic at top left
           d. Only write on one side
       3. Model creation of note cards
           a. Display two paragraphs and articles on Smartboard
           b. Think aloud while creating cards
           c. Show cards as we go along with a link on blog      
   C. Outlining
       1. State purposes
           a. Forces to organize
               i. By chronology
               ii. By importance
               iii. By category
            b. Creates structure
            c. Serves as a map
       2. Make connection to class instructions
       3. Model creation of outline
     D. Research
        1. State purposes
            a. Expand on what we know
            b. Introduce us to what we don't know
        2. Steps in Research
            a. Choose topic
                i. People
                ii. Animals
                iii. Events
                iv. Inventions
                v. Problems
            b. Search for information and take notes
                i. Books
                ii. Magazines
                iii. Internet
                iv. Interviews with people
                v. Newspapers
            c. Organize information
                i. Outline
                ii. Concept maps
                iii. Timeline
            d. Present / publish
                i. Lecture
                ii. Paper
                iii. Blog
                iv. Poster
     3. Start gathering information/note taking

II. Social Studies
     A. World events - warm up
     B. Continue Research project
         1. Continue gathering information and note taking
         2. Create outline

Links for today

Tips for making index cards This is for your reference

Powerpoint with tips for Outlining   This is for your reference

Links for the sources for the Lightning index cards example:
           Source 1 
           Source 2
Topics for research:
S B Anthony
    1. Susan B Anthony, figure of equality

           Source 1
           Source 2
    2. Cesar Chavez, civil rights leader
           Source 1
           Source 2
    3. 442nd combat regiment, heroes born after unfairness
           Source 1 
           Source 2 

Cesar Chavez


1. Nelson, Eric, Maria
2. Xiomara, Julian, Vanessa, Jeizel
3. Jorge, Kevin, Matute, Derli

4. Katherine, Jazer


Sunday, April 5, 2015

Instructions for April 10


Today we will be doing station work

The timer will go off when there are 5 minutes to complete your station. At that point, come to me to get the answer key if you are doing a worksheet so you can grade yourself.


1. Derli, Kevin, Matute
2. Jeizel, Vanessa, Julian
3. Xiomara, Maria, Nelson
4. Jorge, Eric
5. Katherine, Jazer


1. Game: Paintball Planet
2. Punctuation worksheet 1: commas
3. Paragraph editing worksheet 1
4. Work with Mr. Becerra


Group 1: Do station 4
Group 2: Do station 1
Group 3: Do station 2
Group 4: Do station 3
Group 5: Do Rosetta Stone and Istation

Here are your links:

Station 1 punctuation game.

Paintball Planet

Station 3 punctuation game.


Want to hear all of the "Parasites" episode at home? You can listen to it here:

Radiolab Parasites episode


Read the following:

Complete online quiz!

Instructions for April 9


Today we will be doing station work

The timer will go off when there are 5 minutes to complete your station. At that point, come to me to get the answer key if you are doing a worksheet so you can grade yourself.


1. Derli, Kevin, Matute
2. Jeizel, Vanessa, Julian
3. Xiomara, Maria, Nelson
4. Jorge, Eric
5. Katherine, Jazer


1. Game: Paintball Planet
2. Punctuation worksheet 1: commas
3. Paragraph editing worksheet 1
4. Work with Mr. Becerra


Group 1: Do station 3  
Group 2: Do station 4 
Group 3: Do station 1 
Group 4: Do station 2 
Group 5: Do Rosetta Stone and Istation

Here are your links:

Station 1 punctuation game.

Paintball Planet

Station 3 punctuation game.


Want to hear all of the "Parasites" episode at home? You can listen to it here:

Radiolab Parasites episode


Read this article and complete the quiz at the bottom!

Instructions for April 8


Today we will be doing station work

The timer will go off when there are 5 minutes to complete your station. At that point, come to me to get the answer key if you are doing a worksheet so you can grade yourself.


1. Derli, Kevin, Matute
2. Jeizel, Vanessa, Julian
3. Xiomara, Maria, Nelson
4. Jorge, Eric
5. Katherine, Jazer


1. Game: Paintball Planet
2. Punctuation worksheet 1: commas
3. Paragraph editing worksheet 1
4. Work with Mr. Becerra


Group 1: Do station 2 
Group 2: Do station 3 
Group 3: Do station 4 
Group 4: Do station 1 
Group 5: Do Rosetta Stone and Istation

Here are your links:

Station 1 punctuation game.

Paintball Planet

Station 3 punctuation game.


Want to hear all of the "Parasites" episode at home? You can listen to it here:

Radiolab Parasites episode


Instructions for April 7


Today we will be doing station work

The timer will go off when there are 5 minutes to complete your station. At that point, come to me to get the answer key if you are doing a worksheet so you can grade yourself.


1. Derli, Kevin, Matute
2. Jeizel, Vanessa, Julian
3. Xiomara, Maria, Nelson
4. Jorge, Eric
5. Katherine, Jazer


1. Game: Paintball Planet
2. Punctuation worksheet 1: commas
3. Paragraph editing worksheet 1
4. Work with Mr. Becerra


Group 1: Do station 1 
Group 2: Do station 2 
Group 3: Do station 3 
Group 4: Do station 4
Group 5: Do Rosetta Stone and Istation

Here are your links:

Station 1 punctuation game.

Paintball Planet

Station 3 punctuation game.


Want to hear all of the "Parasites" episode at home? You can listen to it here:

Radiolab Parasites episode


Instructions for April 6


Some punctuation marks in English:

  2. Paste the Comma Rules tip sheet to your Reading Notebook
  3. After copying the punctuation marks and pasting the tip sheet, complete the punctuation worksheet

Stuck when to use a punctuation mark? Use the following Google search:

When to use a ___________ (semicolon, colon, etc.)


1. Derli, Kevin, Matute
2. Jeizel, Vanessa, Julian
3. Xiomara, Maria, Nelson
4. Jorge, Eric
5. Katherine, Jazer