Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Instructions for May 27

It's the last week!

Here is the video of the JFK speech if you want to watch it again.

Here is the Powerpoint of the space race we will continue to discuss.

Image result for old spacesuits

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Instructions for May 26

It's the last week!

Here are the space race videos in case you want to watch them again:

Here is the Powerpoint of the space race we will discuss.

Friday, May 15, 2015

May 15 presentations

Today's presentations

Kevin, Julian, Jeizel and Maria take us to the world of dinosaurs at this link!

Jorge, Derli, Vanessa and Xiomara present a star of soccer, Messi at this link!

Eric, Jazer, Matute, Katherine have a different soccer in mind, Cristiano Ronaldo and they will present it at this link!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Instructions for May 14

Today's class

Political Cartoons

Political cartoons use persuasive techniques to get readers to think about a particular current event or issue.
  • Go to your partner pair.
  • Look at each political cartoon.
  • Think about what is shown on the cartoon.
  • Discuss with your partner pair your opinion about the cartoon.
  • Write on your Reading Notebook:
A. What issue is this cartoon about?
B. What do you think is the cartoonist’s opinion on this issue?
C. Did you find this cartoon persuasive? Why or why not?
  • Share with the class your opinion.


  1. Jazer, Katherine, Xiomara
  2. Julian, Nelson
  3. Jeizel,Eric, Maria
  4. Jorge, Vanessa
  5. Derli, Matute, Kevin

Here is an example of how you should do it for the first cartoon:

Cartoon 1.

Cartoon 2.

Cartoon 3.

Cartoon 4.

Cartoon 5.

Cartoon 6.

Cartoon 7.

Cartoon 8.

Cartoon 9.

Cartoon 10.

Cartoon 11.

Cartoon 12.

Cartoon 13.

Cartoon 14.

Cartoon 15.

Cartoon 16.

Cartoon 17.

Cartoon 18.

Cartoon 19.

Cartoon 20.

Cartoon 21.

Cartoon 22.

Cartoon 23.

Cartoon 24.

Cartoon 24.

Cartoon 25.

Persuasive techniques in 
political cartoons.

  • Read the handout and what you just learned about persuasive techniques used in political cartoons. If we are still having copier trouble, you can read the handout here.
  • Go to the link below and see if you can identify all techniques for each cartoon! (You have to drag and drop each technique on a different part of the cartoon.)

  • Paste the handout in your reading notebook.

Make your own!

  • Discuss with your partner an issue you care about in the country, in school or in your home.
  • Draw your own cartoon using the persuasive techniques shown on your handout.
  • Share with the class!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Instructions for May 13

Today's class

Social Studies

Anne Frank

Construct a Diamond foldable of Anne Frank's life. Look for the instructions on how to build a Diamond foldable in the PDF at this link, it is on page 8. You can share what you find out about Anne Frank or what you will include in your foldable with anyone in class.

Here are examples of how your foldable should look like:

Decide which categories to use. Here are some examples you could use, but you can come up with others:

  • Early life
  • Diary
  • Life in the Netherlands
  • Discovery
Paste your foldable in your Social Studies notebook.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Instructions for May 12

Today's class

Spelling City 11:30 am - 12:00 pm
  • Political vocabulary list.
Social Studies 12:00 pm - 12:30 pm, 1:30 pm - 2:00pm
  • Go to the same group you worked on for May 5:

Group 1: Nelson - House of Rep., Xiomara - President, Kevin - Senate, Katherine - Supreme Court
Group 2: Derli - Supreme Court, Vanessa - Senate, Julian - President, Eric - House of Rep.


1. In your group, list 3 causes of the Great Depression.
2. In your opinion, what could be done to avoid those causes from happening again? Be practical and realistic! Write your answers in complete sentences.
3. List 3 effects of the Great Depression.
4. Your group is the U.S. government. One of you is the President, the House of Representatives, the Senate and the Supreme Court. Come up with a plan to help the country out of the Great Depression. Write in complete sentences.
5. Present your plan to the other group.
6. Turn your plan in. You will be graded on your writing.

Remember how the U.S. Government works. Congress controls the money and passes laws. The Supreme Court interprets laws. The President proposes changes and executes the laws.

Social Studies - 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Let's play Jeopardy!
(Great Depression edition)

Most games ask you a question and need an answer. This game gives you the answer, and you come up with what the question was! Each person on the team gives the answer. The team with the highest number of answers wins the round!

Group 1: Jorge, Vanessa, Katherine, Xiomara, Nelson, Maria
Group 2: Derli, Jazer, Jeizel, Eric, Matute, Julian, Kevin

Monday, May 11, 2015

Instructions for May 11

Today's class

Spelling City

  • Great Depression vocabulary and spelling test.
  • Political vocabulary list.

World War II

  • Brainpop video
  • Miniclass
  • Create concept map in small group from summary at this link. Use anchor chart paper.

Example of a concept map:

  1. Jazer, Katherine, Kevin, Jeizel
  2. Eric, Maria, Matute
  3. Jorge, Julian, Xiomara
  4. Derli, Vanessa, Nelson

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Instructions for May 7

Today's class

Language Arts

Present your research project to your classmates. Do it using your outline and your index cards, and if you prepared a Powerpoint presentation, using that as well.

Social Studies
Let's play Jeopardy!
(Great Depression edition)

Most games ask you a question and need an answer. This game gives you the answer, and you come up with what the question was! Each person on the team gives the answer. The team with the highest number of answers wins the round!


Group 1: Nelson, Xiomara, Kevin, Katherine
Group 2: Derli, Vanessa, Julian, Eric

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Instructions for May 6

Today's class

From what you learned in class, create a concept map about the causes and effects of the Great Depression. 

Concept map example
Include what happened in the cities and in rural areas. Also include what was done to pull out of the Great Depression. You can use your textbook and yesterday's Powerpoint if you would like.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Instructions for May 5

Today's class

Look at this PowerPoint presentation.


1. In your group, list 3 causes of the Great Depression.
2. In your opinion, what could be done to avoid those causes from happening again? Be practical and realistic! Write your answers in complete sentences.
3. List 3 effects of the Great Depression.
4. Your group is the U.S. government. One of you is the President, the House of Representatives, the Senate and the Supreme Court. Come up with a plan to help the country out of the Great Depression. Write in complete sentences.
5. Present your plan to the other group.
6. Turn your plan in. You will be graded on your writing.

Remember how the U.S. Government works. Congress controls the money and passes laws. The Supreme Court interprets laws. The President proposes changes and executes the laws.


Group 1: Isaac - President, Daniella - House of Rep., Juan - Senate, Erick - Supreme Court
Group 2: Christian - President, Andre - House of Rep., Shunashi-Senate, Jafet - Supreme Court.

Group 1: Nelson - House of Rep., Xiomara - President, Kevin - Senate, Katherine - Supreme Court
Group 2: Derli - Supreme Court, Vanessa - Senate, Julian - President, Eric - House of Rep.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Instructions for May 4

Today's class

This week's topic:

The Great Depression

1) Go to your group.

2) Look at the following pictures.

3) As you view the photographs, share with your group:
a) Does society have a responsibility to help others in need? Why or why not?
b) Should society interfere with how banks and companies conduct their business? Why or why not?
c) Should government give money, free stuff or food to those who are unemployed?


Group 1: Nelson, Xiomara, Kevin, Katherine
Group 2: Derli, Vanessa, Julian, Eric
